Friday, May 30, 2008
A friend of mine...
This is a complete burn at a friend of mine, his name will be left out for security reasons. I was reading his blog just a minute ago, And I say if you have trouble meeting people and making small talk, just let them know that you are around 30 gallons. After that you should be the life of the party.

Just one of those days
Kinda got up on the wrong side of the bed today, maybe it's the rain, I don't know. But the nose is back on the grindstone. A bit ago I made my peace with organization. And here is my thing, this is how i usually work. I have two or three things going at all times, it is called multi-tasking. I have work for a long time at honing my skills as a multitasker and do very well at it. Two computers working all the time to make sure everything gets done. Some people work long hours doing one thing at a time until it gets finished. My thought do two things at once and the time will fly by and then you can go home.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
What is going on....?
I remember as a kid and a teenager loving a good cheeseburger at a reasonable price. And the best place to get a good cheeseburger, double cheeseburger or even a triple cheeseburger for a buck or less was Hot N Now. The thought of those burgers are making my mouth water. I am reminded of those delicious burgers on a daily bases as I drive by the vacant building that once housed the drive thru restaurant that was ahead of its time. I mean they had two drive thru options, the drivers side or the passenger side, pure genius. To my understanding Hot N Now is no more, the red painted roofs are fading, the grass is over growing, windows are being smashed and graffiti is starting to adorn the walls. But the worst part about it, besides the fact that I have a hard time getting a good cheeseburger at a reasonable price, is that their boobs got old?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
lets give it a try
My first attempt to add a video. I get a kick out of this short video clip I worked on. I was asked to create an old time feel for a new digital video clip. It had to look like a silent film. It took some work and a few pluggins I found on the web but it worked and came out pretty sweet. With video editing, especially when trying new things, you have to watch and re-watch the same video clip over and over again. I picked a fun one for this project. And I also get a kick out of the announcer at the end of the clip, "that's hot" makes me laugh every time.
Todays project...
Is to figure out how to get the Golden Gloves bout cards to come in. The files have all been created and now I can take the images into Final Cut Pro and figure out how to move them in and out. Once the tempelate is created I can, hopefully, quickly get all 11 of the cards done. The lower third name gfx are near completion and now I just have to get them implanted and go from there. In the long run, you saw the graphics here first but soon I hope they appear on a major sport network...did someone say ESPN?
Below are the bout cards and a general Golden Gloves Logo I designed.

Below are the bout cards and a general Golden Gloves Logo I designed.

Monday, May 19, 2008
Some people put a whole of stock in the fact that if your an organized person you are a good person. I may not be the most organized person, but I rarely lose things and I can always tell you where things are. Wether it be that one piece of equipment that hardly ever gets used, or the where I keep the important files, I know where they are. And here is what the drawer looks like where I keep the silverware. My roommate can't stand when I empty the dishwasher and just throw everything in the drawer. yeah it is unorganized, but how hard is it to open the drawer and find a knife? You may say that an organized drawer is a happy drawer, but a say a drawer where I don't segregate the spoons from the forks is a lot happier drawer. Everyone knows that forks get used the most, but in my drawer it is all about equals and they live like equals. Spoons, Knifes, pizza cutters and even vegetables are all equal and live together in a utensil utopia.
Tall and Strong
We were cleaning up the yard the other day and for the longest time we have had the open area right by our porch that need something added to it. So I planted a tree, it is a small pine that nicely fills in the area. It was meet with dismay as wether the tree is going to grow too big for the spot we planted it in, but I will bet money that in a few weeks it will be the same size. I will keep you all to date of the progress of its growth. The only thing that concerns me is the potential problem we may have with its plastic root system.

Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Mac Computer
I have been a Mac guy for a very long time. I see no real use for a PC, I still use PC's and they work fine, the problem I have is that i am used to working on a Mac, so I have some trouble doing the same tasks on a PC that i can easily do on a Mac. Take for example burning a data disk, it is a simple click of a button on a Mac, but on a PC you have to have special program to burn disks. And please don't get me started on Vista. I bring all this up, because I deal all day with people who are afraid to use a Mac because they don't have a clue as to how it works. Case in point, I am currently working on reinstalling all the software on two Macs because some one add a administrator password on the machines, and can't remember the passwords. So now I have to rebuild the computers and change the passwords. Since it was the administrative password, I have to start all over. So people shouldn't have the authority to do simple tasks.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Tis Todays task...
Monday, May 12, 2008
A great oppurtunity, tons of work and lots of fun! We covered the Golden Gloves Nationals held at Devos Place downtown Grand Rapids. It was a lot of work to make sure everything worked and we had everything we needed to make it happen. Now the FUN starts of posting the fights, we need to add GFX, and clean up a few mistakes. In total we covered 33 fights in two nights. What a fun weekend.

Thursday, May 8, 2008
the situation
In the coming months I have to do what I hate doing most...asking people for money. We need a new production truck, and being a non-profit we have to raise the money. So we are having a Cash Wash. No we are not washing cars in a parking lot in our swim suits ( that would be fun). We are using a drive thru Car Wash for four hours, you can come get you car washed for free, but we ask for donations. We are also taking pledges from people: I will pledge 10 cents a car type thing. We can do a total of 400 cars. Do the math if ten cents a car that is only $40. I will asking everyone I know for money and if you don't donate to a good cause then I will figure your are cold. We need a new truck....
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Amieds On....
Spring! I love spring, new things are growing and sprouting up all around. Spring also brings baseball, NBA playoffs, sitting on the porch, grilling out, and warm weather to name a few of my more favorite things. The one down fall of spring is the pesky little green things that fall from the tree over the driveway. No matter what I wake up every morning to walk outside to find my car covered in these little things. They are a pain. When I was out taking these photos It felt as if it was raining. The wind blew and they fell. I like spring and all it brings, but I just have to realize that there is no sense in washing the car.

Monday, May 5, 2008
The horoscope said so...
I am not a big believer in horoscopes, but I do like to read them every so often. Today I read one the said I would have a good day if used my creativity in a positive way...Well I already had plans on working on a project today that will use all my creative powers to please the client. How did the people who wrote the horoscope know that? Or am I just applying what I read to my current situation. I am going to go with the later. By the way here is a photo that will go in my portfolio to demonstrate my ability to take real-estate photos.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
There is the part in Forrest Gump Where Gump is talking to Jenny about running next to mountains where the reflection in the lake is so clear that you can't tell where one starts and the other ends. Well I learned that was all a special effect. But here is photo I took trying to duplicate the same idea. The reflection isn't that great due to a fountain, but it still made a sweet shot.

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