Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The weather outside is....
I opted to sit infront of a fan all morning and stay cool. That decision has caused me to be about 3 hours behind in my daily to do list. It has also caused me to be a little unmotivated in my attitude towards the day. Thanks alot hot weather.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Check this out
I was going thru some recent vacation photos and found this guy, I remember finding this neat little outdoor antique store. I was working on shooting certain objects to create a collect of photos, (more on that later) but I found this guy, and snapped a quick photo (it is a bit blurry). I was sitting alone in my office at home and had to laugh out loud. Maybe you don't find gnomes stoned out of their minds as funny as I do. I figure someone had to carve from hand, and I speculate what their intentions were.

Monday, June 22, 2009
A little late....
I drive a 20o2 Chevy Impala, and I just got a letter in the mail that a spark plug wire is being recalled. Free of charge of course. But the kicker of the letter is that my car could catch fire at any time. They recommend that I don't park in a garage or other structure, and if I notice a burning odor I need to contact a Chevy dealership immediately. This is all makes sense to me, but what i find strange is that the car is almost 8 years old and they just noticed this problem? And the question has to be asked, how many Impalas have had to burn down garages or others structures for this to become a concern? And do I dare drive my car if it is going to catch fire and burn? I run the risk of burning down the house if I leave it parked in the drive way and if I drive it I may catch other travelers on fire. I am in a real bind here.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A strange condition
I thought I would share this. Last night I did some prep work for this morning. Every Thursday morning we have veterans from the area come in a share their first hand accounts of the wars they proudly served in. The way I light these interviews is with a lot of key light and even more back light to create the sense that they are surrounded by darkness. It is not a complicated scheme, but I have perfected it. I spent some extra time to get it just right and got the cameras tweaked in, I brought the vet into the studio and the first thing he said as he sat down, "Feels like I am getting the 3rd Degree". This is a common statement, but this vet had a real concern. He had a strange disorder that made him almost black out when he was under bright lights, it wasn't epilepsy, but some other chronic disorder. I thought to myself he has be joking, but then his daughter confirmed his condition. After some quick thinking and adjusting I set some lights to where he was comfortable, and we recorded his interview. The two things that bothered me about this occurrence, 1st, I put in the extra work for nothing, 2nd, he knew full well he was getting interviewed for television, did it ever cross his mind there would be lights?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
At five minutes and six seconds after 4 AM on the 8th of July this year, the time and date will be:
04:05:06 07/08/09.
This will not happen again for a thousand years.
I will be sitting in front of a clock at that exact moment to experience this great moment in history. I recommend everyone to do the same.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
They are having so much fun
I just got done eating some Wendy's, I hit up the drive thru on the way back to the shop. I took my double cheeseburger fries and sugar free lemonade, sat down, turned on the tube and the first thing I saw was a commercial for McDonalds. It is not that I enjoy Mc D's, honestly their food makes me feel funny, funny like my tummy hurts. But the commercial made me jealous, not of their food, I didn't feel like I went to the wrong fast food joint, but I was jealous of all the people in the commercial. They are all in their twenties, like myself and they are all having such a joyous time. Sitting around making some hip hop music dancing about, enjoying a big mac and having the time of their lives. I thought to myself, I want to go to there and hang with those people. It mades me envious of the Mcdonalds party it seems like the only way the party could get any cooler is if Ronald should up with the Hamburglar and Grimace in tow.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Championship Boxing
For those interested in seeing the video that kept me up late the other night editing, check out my other site. I have it posted there. Enjoy.
Monday, June 8, 2009
It's gonna be a late one...
I just love it when people call up amieds productions and want a 60 commercial made and I quote "as soon as possible". I like the business and I enjoy the work, but why can't I get a call a few days in advance. Now I got a two pm deadline tomorrow. So this leaves the night to get it done. I have three mac's busy working and hopefully my creativity will be firing on all cylinders tonight to turn out a good product. I will have to wait and see. Look for the commercial in the next few weeks on Comcast promoting Championship boxing at the Woodland. I get handed a folder full of video's I didn't shot, images pulled off the web, and a voice over. This is always a fun way to work, keep that in mind, and the deadline I was on when you judge my work.
Friday, June 5, 2009
My new favorite website
I have been called a photoshop wiz by a select handful of individuals, I have taught a few classes on photoshop in the past, both general photoshop to beginners and also more in depth instruction on using photoshop to create graphics for video. I tell you this, because photoshop can be a very complicated program to understand at first. There are many tools and menus to master, I can teach how to use to the tools, but I can't and don't teach composition or design fundamentals. And that folks is why I recommend taking a look at this site, learn from others mistakes and don't make the same.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Idiot hunting....
I got a call that I was needed on the other side of town, it was a video emergency. So I grabbed my gear and headed out. Now Michigan roads are always under construction, so I relied on my navigation on my phone to get me there avoiding said construction, I was guided by the construction, but found myself on 28th street. I have long sense avoided 28th because I truly do believe it is the mecca of idiot drives and a haven for a-holes in automobiles. Driving is an easy task, everyone on the road has or should have some sort of training in the act, but not on 28th street. That has what lead me to state the fact that if you ever need to find an idiot, look no further then the rusted out four door or busted up astro van. No other road do I know that is a gathering point or a main thoroughfare for idiots, my guess is that at some place along the busy street there is an underground club only for idiots, they sing and dance, run into things and listen to Green Days 'american idiot', which by the way is their theme song....
Monday, June 1, 2009
A reminder.....
The way I start my week; roll out of bed around 11, take care of some wash and clean up the house from the weekend. Typical monday for me. ( to clear up any confusion I have to be at work at 2pm) and I sit down at my desk to prepare for the day and see how things are panning out, low and behold I have emails, missed calls and text messages pouring in. Then I saw the bumper sticker on my POS laptop. "Bad Planning on Your Part Does Not Necessarily Constitute an Automatic Emergency on My Part." Some times I feel I need to have that printed on business cards and share them with everyone who wants to talk with me.
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