Thursday, August 7, 2008

Find interesting things

Everyone has their own agenda in life, some people want to be successful in business, some want to have a family and raise beautiful babes, other want to change the world.  I haven't quite decided what my long terms goals are, but I have some goals I want to accomplish, simple things really:  I would like to be presented with a big check, I would like to meet a vampire or werewolf, I would like to take an amazing photograph that gets published and talked about for years, and I would like to be the first to do something or discover something.   I was close the other weekend.  We were in spring lake on a boat and came across these birds, as far as I know Flamingo's are not native to these parts, and we got to see them and I fired off a bunch of shots to capture the moment.  I know I was not the first to see them, but probably close.  I can't check it off the list.  But the good news is I have a feeling I am real close to meeting a vampire.


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