Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Amieds On....

Spring! I love spring, new things are growing and sprouting up all around. Spring also brings baseball, NBA playoffs, sitting on the porch, grilling out, and warm weather to name a few of my more favorite things. The one down fall of spring is the pesky little green things that fall from the tree over the driveway. No matter what I wake up every morning to walk outside to find my car covered in these little things. They are a pain. When I was out taking these photos It felt as if it was raining. The wind blew and they fell. I like spring and all it brings, but I just have to realize that there is no sense in washing the car.

1 comment:

Mr Pineapples said...



Isnt it the worlds most BORING game?

In England we only allow the girls to play it...