Monday, June 22, 2009

A little late....

I drive a 20o2 Chevy Impala, and I just got a letter in the mail that a spark plug wire is being recalled. Free of charge of course. But the kicker of the letter is that my car could catch fire at any time. They recommend that I don't park in a garage or other structure, and if I notice a burning odor I need to contact a Chevy dealership immediately. This is all makes sense to me, but what i find strange is that the car is almost 8 years old and they just noticed this problem? And the question has to be asked, how many Impalas have had to burn down garages or others structures for this to become a concern? And do I dare drive my car if it is going to catch fire and burn? I run the risk of burning down the house if I leave it parked in the drive way and if I drive it I may catch other travelers on fire. I am in a real bind here.